Honghui Xu is a PhD student, advised by Dr. Cai and Dr. Li, in Department of Computer Science at Georgia State University (GSU). He received a Bachelor’s degree from University of Eletronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), advised by Dr. Deng, Dr. Xu, Dr. Zhao, Dr. Xie, and Dr. Tian. His research focuses on machine learning and deep learning, including the fundamental theory of machine learning, the applications of deep learning in computer vision field, and the topic about privacy-preserving machine learning.
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PhD in Computer Science, 2019-Present
Georgia State University
BSc in Computer Science, 2015-2019
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
We propose a Differentially Private Correlated Representation Learning (DPCRL) model to achieve privacy-preserving multimodal sentiment analysis by combining a correlated representation learning scheme with a differential privacy protection scheme.