Honghui Xu 许宏辉

Honghui Xu 许宏辉

Ph.D. Candidate

Georgia State University


Honghui Xu is a PhD student, advised by Dr. Cai and Dr. Li, in Department of Computer Science at Georgia State University (GSU). He received a Bachelor’s degree from University of Eletronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), advised by Dr. Deng, Dr. Xu, Dr. Zhao, Dr. Xie, and Dr. Tian. His research focuses on machine learning and deep learning, including the fundamental theory of machine learning, the applications of deep learning in computer vision field, and the topic about privacy-preserving machine learning.

Download my resumé .

  • Fundamental Theory of Machine Learning
  • Applications of Deep Learning
  • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2019-Present

    Georgia State University

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2015-2019

    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Recent Publications

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(2022). Privacy-Preserving Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. Processing.

(2022). Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Multi-Label Image Recognition. TKDD (Impact Factor: 4.54).

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(2022). A Self-Supervised Purification Mechanism for Adversarial Samples. IEEE SmartData (Best Paper).

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(2022). Analysis on methods to effectively improve transfer learning performance. TCS.

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(2022). Deep Generative Models in the Industrial Internet of Things: A Survey. TII (Impact Factor: 10.215).

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(2022). Efficient CityCam-to-Edge Cooperative Learning for Vehicle Counting in ITS. TITS (Impact Factor: 2.534).

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(2021). Which Option is a Better Way to Improve Transfer Learning Performance?. COCOA.

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(2021). Audio-Visual Autoencoding for Privacy-Preserving Video Streaming. IoTJ (Impact Factor: 9.936).

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(2021). Generative Adversarial Networks: A Survey Toward Private and Secure Applications. CSUR (Impact Factor: 10.282).

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(2021). Multi-Source Adversarial Sample Attack on Autonomous Vehicles. TVT (Impact Factor: 5.978).

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Research Experience

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Sep 2016 – Jun 2017 Chengdu, China
Investigate some interesting topics about D-S evidence theory. The direction of determination is to solve the problem of fusion of related evidence sources.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Aug 2017 – Jun 2018 Chengdu China
Study the low-rank model with Dr.Kang Zhao. We improved the image classification algorithm based on the low-rank model.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Aug 2017 – Dec 2018 Chengdu China
Become a teaching assistant to go to Electronics Technology 29-th Institution of China to conduct Reinforcement Learning lectures.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Sep 2018 – May 2019 Chengdu China
Start the investigation about privacy-preserving machine learning.
Graduate Research Assistant
Sep 2019 – Present Atlanta USA
Develop more novel privacy-preservation algorithms and design more efficient deep learning architectures.

Teaching Experience

Lab Instructor
Sep 2020 – May 2022 Atlanta USA
Teach CSc 1301/1302 (Java Programming Language) for Undergraduate Students.
Lab Instructor
Jun 2022 – Dec 2022 Atlanta USA
Teach CSc 3210 (Assembly Language Programming) for Undergraduate Students.
Lab Instructor
Jan 2023 – Present Atlanta USA
Teach CSc 8230 (Secure and Private AI) for Graduate Students.


  • Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Vehicle Technology
  • Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication
  • Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
  • Reviewer of IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Social Systems
  • Reviewer of IEEE Networking Letters
  • Reviewer of Neurocomputing
  • Reviewer of Computer Communications
  • Reviewer of High-Confidence Computing
  • Reviewer of IEEE Access
  • Reviewer of Globalcom 2020
  • Reviewer of EAI WiCON 2022
  • Reviewer of IJCAI 2023
  • Reviewer of KDD 2023
  • Reviewer of ICCC 2023
  • Reviewer of ICML 2023 Workshop AdvML-Frontiers


Outstanding Research Award
Graduate Research Assistant Award
UESTC’s Undergraduate Scholarship
UESTC’s First-Class Scholarship
UESTC’s First-Class Scholarship
UESTC’s Second-Class Scholarship
UESTC’s Freshman Scholarship
